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Computer Science Student Forms, Information & Resources
Note: Currently all forms are in PDF format; incomplete forms will not be processed. (Very few forms are available in the department office)
Registration Forms
- Supervisory Course Petition (Add permit for enrollment in CSC 198, CSC 199, CSC 299, CSC 500/502)
- To ENROLL in CSC 195/CSC 295, student must submit the Student Internship Application & Learning Agreement Form AND a copy of the offer letter.
In lieu of an offer letter, we would need a memo (on company letterhead). It needs to include employment range (which should at least coincide with the Fall semester start/end dates), #of hours per week, pay rate, description of job duties performed.
Email the forms AND offer letter to in ONE pdf file. If the dept chair has questions regarding the position, you will be emailed. Approval/enrollment process will take 1-2 weeks. - To receive CREDIT for CSC 195/195A/295, student must submit (3) documents 1 week before the end of the enrolled semester.
A. Supervisor Evaluation of Student Internship form
B. Internship Report (Student Internship Report Guidelines), All the open-ended questions MUST be answered on a separate page (1 page minimum).
C. Assessment of Academic Internship - Fieldwork (Internship) Guidelines for CSC 195/CSC 295 describes the types of qualifying jobs and how the units assigned are calculated.
Undergraduate Roadmaps
4-year curriculum roadmap (spring 2021 and older)
Sample plan for students with catalog rights Spring 2021 and older.
4-year curriculum roadmap (Fall 2021)
Newest catalog degree requirements for students effective Fall 2021.
(typically it is in the student's interest to use the newest catalog, please check with a major advisor to confirm)
FAQs regarding the new catalog
2-year curriculum roadmap - sample plan for transfer students
Advising & Graduation Forms
Graduate Student Forms
- MS Academic Integrity form
- MS Advising form (Computer Science)
- MS Advising form (Software Engineering)
- MS Substitution-Waiver Petition
- MS Project Topic form
- Guideline for MS Projects in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science
- Graduate Student Handbook
For additional graduate student forms, please visit Graduate Studies.
Certificate Program Applications
Be advised the following is a fillable form PDF. If you are using Firefox or Chrome, PDF fillable forms can no longer be filled out in the browser. The form must be downloaded and opened in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader and the Adobe Acrobat/Reader security prompt "Enable All Features" must be clicked to properly view and edit the form. As of 2016, Internet Explorer 11 still supports fillable form PDFs in the browser. Web-compatible, non-fillable PDF form has also been provided.
Application for Undergraduate Certificate(s):
The Computer Science major offers undergraduate certificates in the following areas: Cyber Defense and Operations, Game Engineering, Information Assurance and Security, Software Engineering, and Systems Software.
- For web-compatible, non-fillable version, please use the following link: Application for Undergraduate Certificate
- Application for Graduate Certificate(s): The Computer Science graduate program offers advanced certificates in the following areas: Computer Architecture, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Communications, Data Management Systems, Data Mining, Information Assurance and Security, Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering, Systems Software.
- Two forms must be completed: Application for Certificate and Academic Certificate Course Verification. You will need to submit BOTH forms AND unofficial CSUS transcripts to the CSC department office for approval. After approval, then you will need to deliver the forms to the Office of Graduate Studies for processing.
International Student Letters
- Bachelor Request for Optional Practical Training Letter process - please follow the steps below.
NOTE: processing timeline may be delayed during high email registration periods AND January/June-August due to faculty limited availability via email.
Step 1: You need to send an email to with your Name, Student ID#, current unofficial csus transcript. (Subject Line: CSC BS-OPT request).
Step 2: The letter will be created for you (sample) after Dept Chair approves. You will be emailed when the letter is ready.
- MS Request for Optional Practical Training Letter process- please use the correct form below that applies to you. Allow 2-3 weeks processing time.
Step 1: You will need to fill in the requested information and save the document as a .pdf.
Step 2: Email the saved document AND unofficial CSUS transcripts to (Subject Line: CSC request for OPT letter).
Step 3: The department will put on digital letterhead and get Dr. Chen's approval for you. You will be emailed when the letter is ready.
- MS Skills Verification Letter Process - Allow 2-3 weeks processing time.
Step 1: Verify the skill(s) you are requesting is listed on the University catalog. To clarify, the skills for each course, per the long standing department practice, can be approved only if they appear in the course catalog description. Any skill NOT found on the course description will be denied.
Step 2: Send ONE email request for ALL skills {Subject Line: CSC request for MS Skills letter} to Dr. Chen and MUST include current unofficial CSUS transcripts.
Step 3: After Dr. Chen approves the skill(s), THEN he will inform the department that a letter can be created for you.
***NOTE: processing timeline may be delayed during high email registration periods AND January/June-August due to faculty limited availability via email.***
Step 4: The department will put on digital letterhead (sample). You will be emailed when the letter is ready.
Step 1: You will need to fill in the requested information and save the document as a .pdf.
Step 2: Email the saved document AND unofficial CSUS transcripts to (Subject Line: VisaExt request) for processing.
Computer Science Advising
You do not need to make an appointment with an advisor except under rare circumstances. Refer to the information at Faculty Office Hours to locate your faculty advisor, his or her office hours, and contact information. If you have seen an advisor before, you should go back to that same person; if you have not, we assign you an advisor on the basis of your last name. (Look for the first letter of your last name in the left-hand column.) Students are seen on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If you are an undergraduate student, you should see a Computer Science faculty advisor at least once during the academic year, and keep your signed BS Advising Form on file with the department. Otherwise, a hold will be placed on your registration. If you are new to the major, we suggest that you view the suggested CSC major roadmap. Computer Science majors have a specific GE worksheet that may be useful when plan GE courses. Students should also meet with General Education (GE) advisor to be sure all GE requirements are being completed. GE advisors are available in the Academic Advising Center, located in Lassen Hall 1013.
Our college also has an Advising, Counseling, and Tutoring (ACT) Office in the ECS Student Success Center in Tschannen Engineering Building 1213. Here the Academic Advisors can assist with GE/GR questions, lower division major and Smart Planner advising.
Please note that you must change your major from Pre-computer Science to Computer Science if you want to register for upper-division restricted courses (CSC 133 and above). If you've already met the requirements listed on the form, but have not filled out the paperwork yet, you will most likely be blocked when trying to register for upper division courses.
Regarding PRE-CSC major status:
Becoming full major requires completion of CSC 15, 20, 28, 35; Math 30/31 (or Math 26A/B if following catalog rights before Fall 2021). It is best to fill out the change of major form during the semester you are completing the last of these requirements (ex: Spring 2021). The department will hold onto the form until your grades are officially posted for Spring 2021. Assuming you pass the courses, the form will then be sent to the Registrar’s office and you will effectively change from Pre-CSC to CSC the following semester (ex: Fall 2021).
When planning your schedule of upper-division electives, please refer to the Tentative 2-Year Schedule of Undergraduate Electives.
For a comprehensive guide to undergraduate advising, forms, and procedures, download the Undergraduate Student Handbook.
If you are a graduate student, you should see the faculty advisor assigned to you by the Graduate Coordinator and update your MS Advising Form on an as-needed basis. The department will keep it on file for you. For the MS in Software Engineering, use the MS Advising Form for Software Engineering.
When planning your schedule of graduate electives, please refer to the Tentative 2-Year Schedule of Graduate Electives.
Also note: a Computer Science Graduate Student Orientation is given twice a year (January and August) just prior to the start of each semester. Contact the department for details.
For a comprehensive guide to graduate student advising, forms, and procedures, download the Graduate Student Handbook.